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April Newsletter

April Newsletter

Welcome to our April newsletter.  As normal filled with loads of information about events and activities we have going on here and around the parishes.

Just a few quick reminders please:

  • Don’t forget to complete our Parish Survey – details are in the newsletter see page 6,
  • We also have a list of Easter Services across our Churches – please see page 5,

Any questions, please let me know.


January Newsletter

January Newsletter

Please click here or on the link below for this month’s Newsletter:

Welcome to the January Newsletter, once again full of news and information about things we have going on.

Whilst writing, just a quick reminder that this Sunday, 29 December, we will be worshiping together at St Margaret’s at the normal time of 10:15, we hope you will be able to join us there.

Other things of note are the ALPHA course which will be staring in January, please do read the piece in the Newsletter about this.  Please do contact John Raynor if you are interested in the Battlefields Tour he is arranging (if these dates don’t work for you or perhaps you feel a date further in the future might be better please also discuss this with him).

We hope that you have had a lovely Christmas, and next month we will be celebrating more of all the things we have had going on this Christmas across our Churches, and a Happy New Year to you for next week!


December Newsletter

December Newsletter

Please find attached this month’s newsletter, which you will see is very full with lots of information and details of all sorts of on-going and special Christmas events.  You will also see details of our Christmas Service which we hope you will be able to attend.

If you use Facebook, please do like / follow our Facebook page(s), where you will get details of all our forthcoming events and reminders.

October Newsletter

October Newsletter

Please click here to access this month’s news letter

Whilst writing just a quick reminder that from this Sunday 29 September our Sunday services at both St Stephen’s and St Margaret’s will be at 10:15 am.  Please do let friends and family know in case they haven’t been made aware.

This Sunday, being the fifth Sunday of the month, is a joint service which this month will be taking place at St Stephen’s, starting at 10:15.

September Newsletter

September Newsletter

Please click here for this months newsletter.

Good afternoon all and welcome to this month’s newsletter.  I hope that you find it interesting and informative.  We have a lot going on over the coming months, so please take time to read this and also keep watching our web site and Facebook pages.


Whilst writing, just a couple of reminders of important events over the next few weeks:


  • Saturday 31 August is the New Town Community Day on the Recreation Ground from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm.  It would be really great if you are able to come along to this event, and


  • Monday 2 September we have Rev Anna’s welcome and licensing service taking place at 7:30 pm at St Margaret’s with refreshments beforehand.  Please do make every effort to come along to this special service for Rev Anna and both our Churches.