Please click here or on the link below for this month’s Newsletter:
Welcome to the January Newsletter, once again full of news and information about things we have going on.
Whilst writing, just a quick reminder that this Sunday, 29 December, we will be worshiping together at St Margaret’s at the normal time of 10:15, we hope you will be able to join us there.
Other things of note are the ALPHA course which will be staring in January, please do read the piece in the Newsletter about this. Please do contact John Raynor if you are interested in the Battlefields Tour he is arranging (if these dates don’t work for you or perhaps you feel a date further in the future might be better please also discuss this with him).
We hope that you have had a lovely Christmas, and next month we will be celebrating more of all the things we have had going on this Christmas across our Churches, and a Happy New Year to you for next week!